Kepada sesiapa yang bertanya saya tentang Menu Diet, minggu ini saya bagi Menu Diet bagi sesiapa yang ingin memulakan diet yang seimbang tetapi tak tau menu makanan apa yang sesuai.
Minggu Pertama dan kedua ni, Menu Diet yang saya sediakan berdasarkan 1200 kalori. Bermakna diet kita minggu ini agak intensif sikit sebab makan kena kawal. Jadi kalau sesiapa nak mulakan pada minggu ini, sila lihat menu di bawah:
p/s Positrim adalah meal supplement dalam bentuk serbuk, dicairkan untuk menjadi minuman.
Nutrilite Lec E - Supplement untuk pecahkan lemak
Nutrilite Vegetable and Fibre - Untuk penjagaan kesihatan dan membantu melawaskan perut
Sarapan (Kalori)
Positrim, I paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
Telur Rebus, 1 biji penuh (71.0)
Nutrilite Supplement Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Jambu batu, 1 biji saiz kecil (325g) (147.0)
Active 8, 1 paket (180ml) sepanjang hari (68.0)
Makan Tengahari
Positrim, I paket dengan 250ml susu skim (250.0)
Betik 2 hiris tanpa kulit dan biji 112.0
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Makan Malam
Roti mil penuh, 2 keping (50g) 120.0
Mentega, 1 keping (14g) 106.0
Keju, 1 keping (18g) 58.0
Telur Rebus, 1 biji 71.0
JUMLAH (1204.0)
Sarapan (Kalori)
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
Pear Hijau, 1 biji sederhana (325g) (133.0)
Makan Tengahari
Sup mi 1 mangkuk (383.0)
Buah kiwi, 1 biji saiz kecil (87g) (35.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit & Vegetable Fibre 4 tablet (7.6)
Makan Malam
Positrim, 1 paket dengan 250 ml susu skim (250.0)
Sandwic sardin, 2 keping (142.0)
Pear kuning 1 biji sederhana besar (53.0)
Nutrilite Fruit & Vegetable Fibre 4 tablet (7.6)
Jumlah (1219.8)
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
Pisang emas 2 biji sederhana besar (76.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
ACTIVE 8, 1 paket (180ml) sepanjang hari (68.0)
Makan Tengahari
Nasi Ayam, 1 pinggan (278.0)
Taugeh 1 cawan (22.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Guava 1 biji saiz kecil (147.0)
Makan Malam
Positrim 1 paket dengan 250 ml susu skim (332.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
Kek gulung swiss 1 potong (36.0)
Jumlah (1196.0)
Sarapan (Kalori)
Positrim, I paket (165.0)
Ban 1 biji (100.0)
Mentega kacang 3/4 sudu besar (80.0)
Nutrilite Supplement Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruits and Fibre 4 tablet (7.6)
Cempedak 10 ulas dengan biji (176.0)
Makan Tengahari
Kuetiau goreng, 1 pinggan (321.0)
Pic 1 bijis ederhana besar (57.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruits and Fibre 4 tablet (7.6)
Nangka 5 ulas tanpa biji (70.0)
Makan Malam
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 2 skup penuh (72.0)
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
JUMLAH (1228.0)
HARI 5----------------------------------
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
Pisang Raja Udang, 1 biji saiz sederhana (110.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
STrawberry (10 biji) (23.0)
Makan Tengahari
Nasi 1 cawan (167.0)
Ikan bawal hitam goreng, 95g (143.0)
Bayam mnasak bawang putih, 1 cawan (137.5)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
Mangga, 1 biji besar (103.0)
Makan Malam
Positrim, 1 paket dengan 250 ml susu skim (165.0)
Anggur, 8 biji (72.0)
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
JUMLAH (1217.3)
POSITRIM, 1 paket (165.0)
Roti Mil Penuh 2 keping (120.0)
Keju 1 keping ( 58.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Ciku 2 biji (88.0)
Makan Tengahari
Mihun goreng, 1 pinggan (294.0)
Telur Rebus, 1 biji ( 71.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Jambu batu, 1 biji saiz sederhana (147.0)
Makan Malam
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 2 skup penuh (72.0)
Buah Kiwi,1/2 saiz kecil (17.5)
JUMLAH (1197.5)
HARI 7---------------------------------
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Serbuk Protein, 1 skup penuh (36.0)
LImau Gedang, 1 biji saiz sederhana (93.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
Tembikai 1 potong besar dengan kulit (87.0)
Makan Tengahari
Nasi 1 cawan (167.0)
Sawi cina goreng ditmuis dengan bawang putih (98.0)
Daging lembu masak merah (2 keping) (133.0)
Taufu kukus, 1 keping (102.0)
Nutrilite Lecitin E, 1 tablet
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
Makan Malam
Positrim, 1 paket (165.0)
Nagka, 5 ulas tanpa biji (70.0)
Nutrilite Fruit and Vegetable Fibre, 4 tablet (7.6)
JUMLAH (1224.0)
Custom Search
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How to Flatten Your Tummy After Having A Baby
How to Flatten Your Tummy After Having A Baby
By cplavoukos
The birth of a new baby brings joy and excitement, but it can leave behind stretch marks and a flabby tummy. This article will show you how to flatten your tummy and re-gain your pre-pregnancy shape.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You’ll Need:
· motivation
· your doctor's approval
· your baby
· a comfortable mat or rug
· a chair
· sneakers
· sports bra
· stroller
· front carrier
Step 1
Nurse Not only is your milk best for baby, but nursing will help get you back in shape more quickly. Sucking stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin, which contracts your uterus and helps it to shrink more quickly to (nearly) its pre-pregnant size. And you naturally burn calories to make breast milk every time you nurse. If you are unable to nurse, there are also a number of structured lower body exercises you can begin gradually to help strengthen the muscles most directly affected by pregnancy and childbirth.
Step 2
Get a move on No matter how exhausted you are as a new mom, exercise is still important. It will help build up your stamina and return the muscle tone you lost during the pregnancy. As soon as you have you have clearance from your doctor, begin to walk. It’s low impact, safe, and you can take baby with you. Walk as often and as long as you can without overdoing it- around the block, to the grocery store, to the corner and back, whatever is most comfortable for you. Carry baby in a sling while you walk or hike or enjoy stroller walks and jogs.
Step 3
Pelvic Tilt To strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles and improve posture, lie on your back with knees bent together and feet flat. Slowly breath in deeply, let your abdomen rise, then while exhaling pull your abdomen in tightly and push the small of your back flat against the floor. Hold for five seconds. Release and repeat ten to fifteen times.
Step 4
Head Lift To strengthen
abdominal muscles and stabilize the posture by flattening the back, lie on your back with your knees bent. Place one or both hands on your tummy to remind you to keep your backbone flat to the floor. Take a deep breath and raise your head slowly while exhaling. Then lower your head slowly while inhaling. Raise your head a little higher each time. Keep your eyes toward the ceiling. As your abdominal muscle tone gradually improves, you can do the head lift exercise along with the pelvic tilt.
Step 5
Leg Lifts To strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles, lie on your back with knees bent. Flex one leg up toward your chest and then extend it as far as you can overhead while keeping the opposite leg bent and your lower back pressed into the floor. You can also try raising and lowering one leg at a time while keeping it straight.
Step 6
Straighten up The weight of your baby and uterus naturally pushing your abdomen forward during pregnancy can cause poor posture. To correct your posture and look taller and leaner, stand with your back against the wall and heels about four inches from the wall. Flatten the small of your back against the wall by pulling in your abdominal muscles and tucking in your buttock muscles. Raise your chest so that your upper back is flat against the wall. Walk away from the wall and try to maintain this posture throughout the day.
Step 7
Abdominal Contractions This exercise - done standing or sitting in a chair- works the deepest lying abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominals. Imagine your abdomen is an elevator with five floors, with your belly button as the focal point. First floor is when your abdomen is in a relaxed position. Fifth floor is when your belly button “touches” your spine. Slowly raise the elevator (contract the stomach muscles) from the first floor to the fifth, holding for ten counts on each floor, squeezing harder as you progress to the top. When you get to the fifth floor, squeeze as hard as possible, and imagine your belly button going out the back of the spine, or to the sixth floor, and hold for a count of twenty. Bring the elevator back down, slowly relaxing your muscles from top to bottom, back to the first floor. Remember to keep your back straight. Do not sag! Do these several times a day. Working up to as many repetitions as you can and holding for as long as comfortably possible on each floor. You can also train your tummy to skip floors, i.e. go from the third floor to the fifth floor and back again, or from the second to the fourth, and so on. The emphasis is on the backward, squeezing movement. Kind of like kegels for your tummy!
Step 8
Eat right Manage weight during and after pregnancy by eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding high fat, high sugar, and empty calorie foods. Eat nutrient-rich foods from the five basic food groups: *whole grains, bread, cereal, rice, and pasta *vegetables *fruit *fish, meat, poultry, dry beans, eggs, and nuts *milk, yogurt, and cheese Each day consume foods from each of these groups, proportioned for balance nutrition into three basic calorie groups: *Carbohydrates in the form of healthy sugars- like pasta, grains, and fruit- should supply around 50-55% of your total daily calories *healthy fats- such as salmon, flax oil, avocados, and vegetable oils- should supply around 30% of your total daily calories *proteins- such as cottage cheese, soybeans, tofu, lentils, meat, and poultry- should make up about 15-20 % of your daily calories
By cplavoukos
The birth of a new baby brings joy and excitement, but it can leave behind stretch marks and a flabby tummy. This article will show you how to flatten your tummy and re-gain your pre-pregnancy shape.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You’ll Need:
· motivation
· your doctor's approval
· your baby
· a comfortable mat or rug
· a chair
· sneakers
· sports bra
· stroller
· front carrier
Step 1
Nurse Not only is your milk best for baby, but nursing will help get you back in shape more quickly. Sucking stimulates the release of the hormone oxytocin, which contracts your uterus and helps it to shrink more quickly to (nearly) its pre-pregnant size. And you naturally burn calories to make breast milk every time you nurse. If you are unable to nurse, there are also a number of structured lower body exercises you can begin gradually to help strengthen the muscles most directly affected by pregnancy and childbirth.
Step 2
Get a move on No matter how exhausted you are as a new mom, exercise is still important. It will help build up your stamina and return the muscle tone you lost during the pregnancy. As soon as you have you have clearance from your doctor, begin to walk. It’s low impact, safe, and you can take baby with you. Walk as often and as long as you can without overdoing it- around the block, to the grocery store, to the corner and back, whatever is most comfortable for you. Carry baby in a sling while you walk or hike or enjoy stroller walks and jogs.
Step 3
Pelvic Tilt To strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles and improve posture, lie on your back with knees bent together and feet flat. Slowly breath in deeply, let your abdomen rise, then while exhaling pull your abdomen in tightly and push the small of your back flat against the floor. Hold for five seconds. Release and repeat ten to fifteen times.
Step 4
abdominal muscles and stabilize the posture by flattening the back, lie on your back with your knees bent. Place one or both hands on your tummy to remind you to keep your backbone flat to the floor. Take a deep breath and raise your head slowly while exhaling. Then lower your head slowly while inhaling. Raise your head a little higher each time. Keep your eyes toward the ceiling. As your abdominal muscle tone gradually improves, you can do the head lift exercise along with the pelvic tilt.
Step 5
Leg Lifts To strengthen abdominal and lower back muscles, lie on your back with knees bent. Flex one leg up toward your chest and then extend it as far as you can overhead while keeping the opposite leg bent and your lower back pressed into the floor. You can also try raising and lowering one leg at a time while keeping it straight.
Step 6
Straighten up The weight of your baby and uterus naturally pushing your abdomen forward during pregnancy can cause poor posture. To correct your posture and look taller and leaner, stand with your back against the wall and heels about four inches from the wall. Flatten the small of your back against the wall by pulling in your abdominal muscles and tucking in your buttock muscles. Raise your chest so that your upper back is flat against the wall. Walk away from the wall and try to maintain this posture throughout the day.
Step 7
Abdominal Contractions This exercise - done standing or sitting in a chair- works the deepest lying abdominal muscles, the transverse abdominals. Imagine your abdomen is an elevator with five floors, with your belly button as the focal point. First floor is when your abdomen is in a relaxed position. Fifth floor is when your belly button “touches” your spine. Slowly raise the elevator (contract the stomach muscles) from the first floor to the fifth, holding for ten counts on each floor, squeezing harder as you progress to the top. When you get to the fifth floor, squeeze as hard as possible, and imagine your belly button going out the back of the spine, or to the sixth floor, and hold for a count of twenty. Bring the elevator back down, slowly relaxing your muscles from top to bottom, back to the first floor. Remember to keep your back straight. Do not sag! Do these several times a day. Working up to as many repetitions as you can and holding for as long as comfortably possible on each floor. You can also train your tummy to skip floors, i.e. go from the third floor to the fifth floor and back again, or from the second to the fourth, and so on. The emphasis is on the backward, squeezing movement. Kind of like kegels for your tummy!
Step 8
Monday, November 10, 2008
Many of us rely on the scale to measure our weight-loss progress, but weight alone can be deceiving. The number on the scale can't differentiate between muscle, fat, water and tisuue. Taking your measurements can be better of progress.
How To Measure Up Your Body
- Start with your cloth tape measure.
- Stand tall and breath normally, without hold in your stomach in.
- Wear fitted clothing - so you're measuring your body not fabric.
- Pull the tape snugly across your body - but don't press into the skin.
- Measure upper arm at the largest point above the elbow.
- Measure chest at its broadest point.
- Measure waist at its smallest point.
- Measure hips and thights where they are largest.
- Record your neasurements in the space below.
- Measure yourself once a week during the first 30 days, then once a month after that.
How To Measure Up Your Body
- Start with your cloth tape measure.
- Stand tall and breath normally, without hold in your stomach in.
- Wear fitted clothing - so you're measuring your body not fabric.
- Pull the tape snugly across your body - but don't press into the skin.
- Measure upper arm at the largest point above the elbow.
- Measure chest at its broadest point.
- Measure waist at its smallest point.
- Measure hips and thights where they are largest.
- Record your neasurements in the space below.
- Measure yourself once a week during the first 30 days, then once a month after that.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Celebrity Shape Up and Tips
Wonder how your favourite celebrities stay fit? What kind of foods they take? How they get back their amazing shape after childbirth. Well here are some celebrity shape up tips to give you some inspiration.
Jennifer Lopez
After childbirth, she got the figure back. Jennifer stays fit by eating a balanced diet and of course regular exercising. She doesn't take alcohol and when she needs to lose weight she cuts back on her carbs.
Angelina Jolie
The owner of sexy lips celebrity choose a strict protien-rich diet of lean meats and fish and a lots of water. For work out, she choose high speed, high endurance physical training to tone her body figure and kickboxing is key. Kickboxing burn anywhere from 600 to 800 calories per hour.
What was Oprah achieved is so amazing. That's why she is also known as The Queen of Celebity Weight Loss. She avoids carbs including bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. She said that dieting isn't easy, but you have to work hard and stick to the plan. She said the most regretful things in her life was wasting years trying to control her weight. "If you want to lose weight, do it seriously," she said.
Claudia Schiffer
Could you imagine how Claudia can eats nothing but fruit before noon? She has a light dinner of steamed vegetables, and snacks on tomato juice, salad, black grapes and herbal tea. She sticks to 3 meals a day to keep a healthy metabolism.
Jeniffer Aniston
She loves to eat mayonnaise, sandwishes and fried food. After cutting out her favourite foods, she lost 30lbs. She is also a yoga fanatic.
Jennifer Lopez
After childbirth, she got the figure back. Jennifer stays fit by eating a balanced diet and of course regular exercising. She doesn't take alcohol and when she needs to lose weight she cuts back on her carbs.
Angelina Jolie
The owner of sexy lips celebrity choose a strict protien-rich diet of lean meats and fish and a lots of water. For work out, she choose high speed, high endurance physical training to tone her body figure and kickboxing is key. Kickboxing burn anywhere from 600 to 800 calories per hour.
What was Oprah achieved is so amazing. That's why she is also known as The Queen of Celebity Weight Loss. She avoids carbs including bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. She said that dieting isn't easy, but you have to work hard and stick to the plan. She said the most regretful things in her life was wasting years trying to control her weight. "If you want to lose weight, do it seriously," she said.
Claudia Schiffer
Could you imagine how Claudia can eats nothing but fruit before noon? She has a light dinner of steamed vegetables, and snacks on tomato juice, salad, black grapes and herbal tea. She sticks to 3 meals a day to keep a healthy metabolism.
Jeniffer Aniston
She loves to eat mayonnaise, sandwishes and fried food. After cutting out her favourite foods, she lost 30lbs. She is also a yoga fanatic.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Give Me Your Success Story
Got exciting news to share? We'd love to hear about your success. Send us a brief comment detailing where you are now in the plan. Just started, half way or completed. You can share your story either in English or in Bahasa Melayu. Share your experience. How has weight loss impacted your life? What tips and suggestion could you offer others? What obstacles did you overcome? Just share it and we want to hear and learn and get inspiration from your story. write it now, write it Today!!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Getting started on a weight loss program
One of the biggest battles being waged daily is the battle of the bulge. If you are one of those facing a weight problem, take comfort in the fact that you aren't alone, and making small changes in your lifestyle will reap you big rewards. Here are some pointers for getting started on a weight loss program. If you drink a lot of soda, try to replace it with a diet version or better yet, water.
Water helps to keep your body functioning at it's best by flushing out harmful toxins and hydrating your skin. Drinking water will help prevent dehydration when its hot outside or you are expending a lot of energy. Cutting back or eliminating soda from your daily diet could eliminate hundreds of calories. A 20 ounce bottle of regular soda has 250 calories, mainly made of sugars and carbonated water. One pound of fat is equal to the amount of calories in 14 twenty ounce bottles of soda. If the energy provided from soda isn't used to fuel your body, it will quickly store as fat, something most of us don't need.
Start an exercise routine based on your current fitness level. If you haven't exercised in along time, start slow. Start out with a 10 minute walk, if that is all you can do. As youbecome used to it, try to walk longer or faster. As you get better, you can add other exercisesto your daily program. You can also get extra exercise by changing the way you operate on a daily basis. Instead of using the elavator or escalator, try the stairs. If there isn't a parking spot directly in front of your favorite store, accept your fate and park a little further away. If the weather is nice, walk or ride your bike instead of driving your car to nearby destinations. If you work in an office, be sure to stretch a couple of times a day.
You might also consider taking a class or instruction in a sport or activity that interests you. Many communities have recreation centers that offer instruction in tennis, swimming, dance, karate, and water exercise. They may offer fitness equipment like a gym, walking/ running track, stationary bikes or step aerobic classes as well. Getting involved in a hobby or sport that you enjoy will make exercise a lot more enjoyable.
It also gives you the chance to meet other people and extend your social circle.Consider which diet plans you want to use for losing weight. Don't give up because you are frustrated. Losing weight the right way is often a slow process. If you are following a reasonable diet and exercise program expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. If you are extremely heavy you may lose weight at a faster rate than this, but it will eventually slow down. If you hit a plateau, consider changing your exercise routine or eating plan to give yourself a jump start. Losing just a small percentage of your bodyweight will help to reduce your chances for high blood pressure, diabetes, and other weight related ailments. Take the first step towards a healthier you.
Heather McLaughlin is the webmistress of weight loss community. Find more weight loss information at
Visit Our Site at Featherish Weight Loss Community
Water helps to keep your body functioning at it's best by flushing out harmful toxins and hydrating your skin. Drinking water will help prevent dehydration when its hot outside or you are expending a lot of energy. Cutting back or eliminating soda from your daily diet could eliminate hundreds of calories. A 20 ounce bottle of regular soda has 250 calories, mainly made of sugars and carbonated water. One pound of fat is equal to the amount of calories in 14 twenty ounce bottles of soda. If the energy provided from soda isn't used to fuel your body, it will quickly store as fat, something most of us don't need.
Start an exercise routine based on your current fitness level. If you haven't exercised in along time, start slow. Start out with a 10 minute walk, if that is all you can do. As youbecome used to it, try to walk longer or faster. As you get better, you can add other exercisesto your daily program. You can also get extra exercise by changing the way you operate on a daily basis. Instead of using the elavator or escalator, try the stairs. If there isn't a parking spot directly in front of your favorite store, accept your fate and park a little further away. If the weather is nice, walk or ride your bike instead of driving your car to nearby destinations. If you work in an office, be sure to stretch a couple of times a day.
You might also consider taking a class or instruction in a sport or activity that interests you. Many communities have recreation centers that offer instruction in tennis, swimming, dance, karate, and water exercise. They may offer fitness equipment like a gym, walking/ running track, stationary bikes or step aerobic classes as well. Getting involved in a hobby or sport that you enjoy will make exercise a lot more enjoyable.
It also gives you the chance to meet other people and extend your social circle.Consider which diet plans you want to use for losing weight. Don't give up because you are frustrated. Losing weight the right way is often a slow process. If you are following a reasonable diet and exercise program expect to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. If you are extremely heavy you may lose weight at a faster rate than this, but it will eventually slow down. If you hit a plateau, consider changing your exercise routine or eating plan to give yourself a jump start. Losing just a small percentage of your bodyweight will help to reduce your chances for high blood pressure, diabetes, and other weight related ailments. Take the first step towards a healthier you.
Heather McLaughlin is the webmistress of weight loss community. Find more weight loss information at
Visit Our Site at Featherish Weight Loss Community
Monday, November 3, 2008
The First Step Towards Optimal Health
The first step towards optimal health is to know your BMI (Body Mass Index)- a measurement of your total body fat. Many health experts believe BMI offers a better picture of overall health and fitness weight.
A recent World Health Organiation (WHO) report states that Asian experience obesity-health risk at lower scale of the BMI as compared to the Westerners. This is because Asians tend to accumulate intra-abdominal fat without developing generalised obesity. asians look thinner but are in actual fact fatter because they have more fat in their bodies. As such, the BMI for obesity has been lowered from 30 to 25 to reflect this increased risk of morbidity among Asians.
- A healthy BMI is between 1805 and 22.9
- A BMI higher than 23 is considered overweight
- A BMI over 25 is considered obese.
How To Calculate your BMI?
BMI = weight (kg)
height (m) x height (m)
Waist Circumference (WC)
The WC measurement is simple to detemine, reliable and correlates well with abdominal fat content irrespective of BMI. It is also an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and most useful in individuals who are in the normal and overweight categories og BMI. People with wider WC are found to be more prone to obesity-related disease. The cut-off point for WC as recommended by WHO
Sex Waist Circumference (cm)
Male >85
Female >80
Check your waist circumference and use the above formula to find your BMI. Then, set your sights on losing your first 2 kilograms.
A recent World Health Organiation (WHO) report states that Asian experience obesity-health risk at lower scale of the BMI as compared to the Westerners. This is because Asians tend to accumulate intra-abdominal fat without developing generalised obesity. asians look thinner but are in actual fact fatter because they have more fat in their bodies. As such, the BMI for obesity has been lowered from 30 to 25 to reflect this increased risk of morbidity among Asians.
- A healthy BMI is between 1805 and 22.9
- A BMI higher than 23 is considered overweight
- A BMI over 25 is considered obese.
How To Calculate your BMI?
BMI = weight (kg)
height (m) x height (m)
Waist Circumference (WC)
The WC measurement is simple to detemine, reliable and correlates well with abdominal fat content irrespective of BMI. It is also an independent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and most useful in individuals who are in the normal and overweight categories og BMI. People with wider WC are found to be more prone to obesity-related disease. The cut-off point for WC as recommended by WHO
Sex Waist Circumference (cm)
Male >85
Female >80
Check your waist circumference and use the above formula to find your BMI. Then, set your sights on losing your first 2 kilograms.
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